My first exploration to the land North of Singapore, is to the historic Malacca or Melaka in Malay. Its a great place to start as Malacca is the craddle of what is now the nation of Malaysia. It was one of the first state in what is now a 13 state nation, the first to endure colonization by the Portuguese, Dutch and English. It was also here that the independence from the British was first announced. Its a city rich in history, with a special place in the heart of Malaysians.
Wow...I'm surprised with u'r photos...
Very beutiful!
How can u get such an inspiration to catch photos from those angles???
hallo bud, apa kabar? ada di mana sekarang? tinggal di s'pore? udah bosen ama NY? kapan ke bandung nih?
nice pictures
Hi AJ, yup gue ditransfer to my firm's Singapore office. I miss NY already, but an hour an a half flight from home is nice too. Loe dah balik ke Bandung?
hey bud, enak laah udah deket rumah. gue udah di bandung sejak january kemarin. kapan mampir? kita hunting bareng, cuman rada ngeri kalo bawa kamera di sini. yang ngelirik bukan cuman maling tapi juga polisi ikutan ngelirik :(
hi budi,
Very artistic pictures from a very talented and creative photographer! I'm amazed.....
Your fan,
miss fan2
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