After the slaughter of the defenceless turkeys, the hectic holiday shopping frenzy begins. Black Friday started in the earnest in SoHo. I was there playing tour guide for an out of town friend, and I could only be a spectator. Not that I dont want to join in. My wallet was kinda empty I only took pictures =)
Hi all...Thx buat commentnya yah :)...Lita, Dian, gak tau nih kapan bisa year I hope...tergantung ngurus visanya lama engga...hey AJ..ayo maen ke NYC :)
Om Budi... makin keren aja nih foto2nya.... Kapan ke Jkt? Motret Aria yg lagi belajar jalan... Hehehehe....
Hi all...Thx buat commentnya yah :)...Lita, Dian, gak tau nih kapan bisa year I hope...tergantung ngurus visanya lama engga...hey AJ..ayo maen ke NYC :)
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