After the slaughter of the defenceless turkeys, the hectic holiday shopping frenzy begins. Black Friday started in the earnest in SoHo. I was there playing tour guide for an out of town friend, and I could only be a spectator. Not that I dont want to join in. My wallet was kinda empty I only took pictures =)
I finally drag my lazy butt out this Thanksgiving. Macy's parade was too good a photo opportunity to miss. But still, I wasn't early enough to get a good spot. Shooting wide was a lot times out of the question because of my location. So despite getting nasty looks from people not happy with someone sticking a big lens so close to their head, I snapped away with my 80-200 nikkor.
While the term urban jungle certainly applies to Manhattan, the island is certainly not void of its wildlife. Venturing to Central park trying to capture the last days of fall, these fellow visitors of the park caught my eyes. So used to people, they were not fazed at all even though I only used a relatively short 105mm lens.
Things that people do to make a living. How about cleaning windows 10 floors up with just a safety rope around your waist? I hope his family knows what he has to go through everyday to put food on their table.
I've always been interested in the moving masses during rush hour on Fifth Avenue. I've been trying to capture the hustle and bustle of the city's peak hour along it's busiest throughfare. This time I used 200mm lens to compress the crowd, to give it a packed look, and then pick out interesting faces in it.