Interesting night last night. I was asked to take pictures for an event celebrating Indonesia's independence day done by Indonesians in New York. One of the performer was Katon Bagaskara, former lead singer of Kla, once one of the most prominent band back home. Kinda strange that here I am, living so many miles away from home, yet the last two concerts that I saw were of Indonesian musicians. It kinda sucks here in NY, tickets of bands that I wanna see, like U2 are usually gone within a couple of minutes of it being sold. Frustrating really. And I'm not gonna pay 2-3 hundred bucks for scalpers in eBay. But hey, I wouldn't be able to take pictures upclose like this. Not to mention that I had a great time, singing along while taking pictures :P....
Ah...Finally back to photoblogging. This last three months had been hectic. Getting married is a lot of work apparently :P...but I made it to the other side in one piece. So here it is, my first post as a married man :)....while testing my newly acquired Nikkor 105 Macro...